Community Giving Programs

Search or shop online and support Taking the Reins! More than 700 of your favorite Internet retailers and travel sites including Amazon, Apple, eBay, Expedia, Target, and more have joined with to donate a percentage of your purchases to us. When you log on to or, simply select Taking the Reins as your charity.

Ralphs Community Contribution Program

Taking the Reins is a part of Ralphs grocery stores’ Community Contributions Program. If you shop at Ralphs and use your Ralphs rewards card, a percentage of the sales is donated to Taking the Reins. Please register your rewards card to specify Taking the Reins as your nonprofit of choice at the Ralphs website,, so that we can earn as much as $150 per household a year!

United Way 
If your workplace participates in the United Way Campaign’s contribution program, you may write in Taking the Reins as a recipient.