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Animal Rescue

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Support Education

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The Environment

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In a few words...

Quality education, improving lives, stabilizing and supporting families, support and grow uniquely impactful programs to create long-term benefits for low-income populations.

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Who are we?

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How can you help?

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Read the latest news from our blog:

Alumna Kimberly Giron returns to TTR with guests and a purpose.

Alumna Kimberly Giron was so moved by her experience at Taking the Reins as a young girl that she recently brought students from a local school, Sonia Sotomayor Arts & Sciences Magnet, where she works. Along with wanting her students to learn farm skills and...

2024: The Year of Yes

Taking the Reins likes to take on a mantra or theme each year. In 2023, we celebrated 25 years of serving Los Angeles girls. This year we are celebrating all the unique opportunities and experiences our girls have the chance to say “YES” to. We will feature our YES...

Girls surrounded by daily violence find solace at Taking the Reins

Taking the Reins is focused on getting inner-city girls involved with horses and urban farm life, knowing the multi-faceted benefits it provides to young girls. Therefore – in order to grow the number of girls who utilize their services – community outreach is a large...

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